2011. március 11., péntek

Japan earthquake, tsunami kill hundreds, cause crippling damage

An 8.9 earthquake off the Pacific coast sets off a massive tsunami, resulting in floods, fires and the closure of airports and transit systems. Up to 300 bodies are found on a beach in Sendai, on the northeast coast, with another 110 confirmed dead elsewhere. Authorities are monitoring Japan's nuclear power plants.

 out to sea
Houses swept out to sea burn following a tsunami and earthquake in Natori City in northeastern Japan. (Reuters/Kyodo) 

After years of preparation for the killer earthquake that would clearly one day strike, Japan found itself crippled Friday by floods, power failures, fires, shuttered airports and paralyzed transit systems from an 8.9 earthquake that struck off the Pacific coast, killing hundreds of people and setting off a massive tsunami.

The quake — the world’s fifth largest since 1900, according to the U.S. Geological Survey — struck at 2.46 p.m. local time.

This is a catastrophy.Our prayers go out to you Japan and to all that suffered throught this tragic event.Stay safe everyone!

Author Maureen Johnson has launched an online fundraiser for Shelterbox, collecting money for earthquake and tsunami relief in Japan. 
Please donate to this charity to help earthquake victems in Japan! 

And once again,our hearts are with you!Stay Safe!

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